Jurnal Respirasi Received DOAJ Indexation in the New Year of 2022

Surabaya, on Monday, 03 January of 2022 Jurnal Respirasi (JR; Journal of Respirology) received an email from DOAJ. The email content of the information that JR had been accepted for inclusion in DOAJ.

“Alhamdulillah, we gratefull for the gift in the new year 2022, said Chief in Editor of JR, dr. WInariani Koesoemoprodjo, Sp.P(K), MARS, FCCP.

JR submitted the application on October 29, 2021 by following clear instruction of DOAJ. For the first step, we register JR account on the DOAJ website, the we apply step by step on the Application Form.

After completing the application process, DOAJ will inform us via email that the journal has been successfully submitted in DOAJ. On November 16, 2021 we received an email from DOAJ that the Editor had been assigned to the review stage of JR application. It means that the reviewer will check all facilities in our Journal to ensure that the journal is really committed to the open access statement.

On Monday January 03, 2022 for about 10 am we received an email from reviewer that we should complete information data in our Journal’s website, and the the Reviewer make sure that if the Journal accepted for indexed in DOAJ, we should upload journal metadata to DOAJ regurally. Jurnal Respirasi had uploaded the complete data base to the Review suggestion and we commit to upload the journal metadata to DOAJ regurally.

Alhamdulillah the Reviewer accept our feedback and for about 4 pm we received an email that Jurnal Respirasi JR; Journal of Respirology) has been accepted for inclusion in DOAJ.

Thank you very much to DOAJ Team.
Also thank you very much to Author, Editor, Reviewer, JR Team, Head of Pulmonary and Respiratory Department FK UNAIR, Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga, Head of UKJF FK UNAIR, LIPJPHKI Team of Universitas Airlangga, and Rector of Universitas Airlangga for all of support in Jurnal Respirasi.

Jurnal Respirasi